Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What's in the fridge?!

I really enjoy the sentiments and activities involved in this video. Also my house used to have a fridge very similar to the one in the intro. Happy first day of winter.

What's in the Fridge? : A Lifestyle Film from Jah Raven Creation on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This is the final print from last night. M and Y of CMYK fame are increased in comparison to the first print. Developer leaked out of the machine, so there is no photo of the day for today.
This was the first one. It is decidedly greenish. The large black space looks a little blue, which makes me think the developer was contaminated with fix. you can see some white marks where the heat gun wrinkled the paper, to the left of the ball.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today's photo of the day! Poor negative, and sub par in development, but it has an eagle in it!

Just a street light

This blog will now feature an analogue photo of the day. This is actually yesterday's (Monday, October 25) photo of the day. It may be the only photo of the day, and there may not be a photo every day. The photo of the day will almost certainly not have been taken on the day of posting, it is just posted on the day it was developed, or maybe not even.
Also, some associated listening:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010


There have been some great skiers coming out of Alaska for a while; Tim Durtschi and more recently Logan Imlach to name a few. This makes sense to me since Alaska's mountains and far northern latitude make prime conditions for skiing and snowboarding.
Possibly more than a few comparisons could be made between Newfoundland/Labrador and Alaska, but having never been to the latter I'll reserve comment.
Here's a teaser for the newest work from DOOM/Love. 100% AK:

my alaska teaser from Doom/Love on Vimeo.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What's In The Fridge?

I like the editing, I like the riding and I want to watch the whole movie when it drops.

Whats in the Fridge? A Teaser. from Jah Raven Creation on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Z's Fast Pizza vs. Louis Gee's Pizza

This is a quasi-scientific comparison of by-the-slice pizza from Z's Fast and Louis Gee's on West Street, Corner Brook, Newfoundland. The purpose of this review is not to name one establishment as superior to the other, but rather to make an impartial comparison between the two local pizza shops.

Location: The two premises are separated by a small parking lot on West Street, one of the town's main meeting and dining areas.
The Z's retail space was previously inhabited by Tim Horton's, and therefore has a vaguely familiar (for people who have been in Tim's a few times) commercial atmosphere, as well as a drive-thru which is only convenient for people travelling toward main street via West Street.
The standard two-door Tim Horton's entry is mildly irritating, as one is confronted upon opening the first door with an identical door perpendicular to the first. However this entry gives an added barrier between the building's interior and the street, an effect further achieved by the doorway being recessed from the sidewalk. This separation of the interior from the street gives one the feeling of being securely inside a building.
The customer entrance to Louis Gee's contains a single door which opens directly from the sidewalk. The establishment feels slightly more pizza parloresque than Z's, with heavier, patterned floor tiles, a counter along the street window, shoulder boards along the walls, and Star Wars posters.

Value: A jumbo slice (roughly 1/4 of a 16' pizza) is $4 even at both locations.

Service: The Z's employee cut the slice down the middle, which was a convenient touch, yielding two regular sized slices to making sharing or leaving over more lucrative. Otherwise, service was almost identical. There was a small line at Louis Gee's and the Z's employee took a few seconds to get to the counter. The slices at both places were presented in identical square white boxes.

Product: Z's pizza has a thicker crust, which makes the slice a bit more stable during consumption, whereas LG's has a thinner floppier crust that is more chewy. The Z's crust was pleasantly crisp on the surface, with an airy interior. LG's sauce has a more sweet, salty taste, while Z's sauce is a bit zestier but no less salty.
Z's had only a ham topping available which was nicely executed with small juicy and crispy bits
of ham on nicely melted cheese that was pleasantly crisp in places.
LG's had several options; hawaiian, cheese, pepperoni and pepperoni and ham, of which I chose the latter. The ham was quite similar to the Z's ham, but in slightly bigger and less profuse chunks. The pepperoni, though abundant, was a little bit less baked than one might like, having been placed under the cheese, which although more liberally applied than the Z's cheese, did not have the same crispy and tender texture.

Overall, both Z's and Louis Gee's had a solid fast food pizza offering at reasonable price, and had a product with characteristics exclusive to their respective sources.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Do it now or do it later

Working on a project over a long period of time will involve more playing, smoother troubleshooting and less frustration. Doing it in the last few days requires me to work more efficiently, but is less enjoyable. It's hard to start anything without pressure though. How will results be different? it's hard to say, since the project can only happen one way, however it ends up happening. We know I'm going to end up doing it later.


This guy is excited about it.
I think my chair in digital may be faulty. It keeps mysteriously dropping during class.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

first person, mixed tenses, referral to reader.

How to get to that particular mental place where I can "see"....It's like when you are in "flow" when you are completely in tune with the task, and you don't notice other things that are going on around, but instead of working on something specific I could just be walking and see the way things connect, their structure as if it were a drawing or sculpture I'm working on.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

some little skiing

here's some footage that was gathered last Sunday. There's also some Daft Punk. It seems to be chopped off by blogger, so maybe click the title in the top left corner to just watch it on youtube.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I couldn't figure out how to meter the wide angle camera or how to change the shutter speed annnnd my negatives ended up super duper dense.
I need a drive around to pick some things up.
Also I need my metal to arrive in the sculpture studio.
CS4 is currently out of stock at cpc at mun.
Things aren't running smoothly.
Maybe I'll just go skiing.

Friday, March 5, 2010

humour (from the desk of Bob Mankoff)

Dear Laughter Lovers,

The word humor comes from humorem, the Latin word for fluid, and originally had as much to do with funny as the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eye. Nothing funny there at all, except the Canal of Schlemm which, as you can see by looking at the diagram, I’m not making up.

Schlemm rhymes with phlegm—one of the four humors (along with black and yellow bile and blood) that in ancient times were thought to determine a person’s health. The four humors had to be in proper balance in the body. This was the heyday of “humoral medicine,” when everyone had the same health-care plan: none. Just as well, because the basic advice from your health-care provider would be, “Take two leeches and call me in the morning.” In which case it would be more likely that the leeches would be around in the morning than you.

Humoral medicine eventually morphed into humoral psychology. Having your humors out of whack could make you dull, tetchy, overly hopeful, or a sourpuss.

These characterological deviants were called “humorists,” and the people who mocked them were called “men of humor.” I know, I know, it should be the other way around, and in due time it was.

In the interim, the idea caught on that by throwing odd characters together on the stage, or in a book, you would have the ingredients of comic conflict.

Conflict between different personality types is unpleasant in personal life but funny when exaggerated for comic effect. Think “The Odd Couple,” “Married with Children,” or these New Yorker cartoons.

The formula for this type of play, a comedy of humors based on characters who were caricatures of themselves, was nicely expressed by Ben Johnson concerning his play “Every Man Out of His Humor,” an amazing tour de force, considering it was performed without the benefit of the letter “U.”

Some one peculiar quality
Doth so possess a man, that it doth draw
All his affects, his spirits, and his powers,
In their confluctions, all to run one way.
Confluctions, eh? Probably nothing to worry about, but take two leeches and call me in the morning.

Yours in good humor,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Post

I went on the internet and completely forgot why when I got to google.
I made a new post instead.
And checked out Wooster Collective quickly.

Friday, February 5, 2010

web site

I have a website now.
Lightning strikes 6000 times a second around the world. (or is it a minute?)
check it out!
Everyone is sick. I'm not.

New class, new class.

Art flea market pay what you can is the BEST THING! get saaaaaaaamm!

Helped make scalloped potatoes, should be delish!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

so much tiiiimmmeeee to make animations

William Kentridge's work.

Does the library have copies of the New Yorker?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010


It's colder than slow molasses going up hill...in JANUARY!

Marble Mountain is open with "4 runs" and "2 lifts".

The terrain park at Marble has a fun setup, with a little floaty jump on the second knoll, soon to be open jump on the third knoll, flat box, down rail, C rail,
a large and small jump set, as well as a rainbow and battleship box on the bottom knoll, and ending in a wallride!

It snowed a good amount yesterday and the night before.

When it snows in Corner Brook it makes the night really bright as the snowflakes reflect the light all around.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I gotta say it was a good day.

Best day of 2010 so far, by my estimation. Also lots of new snow.

I need to spend more time on school work.

What to do........

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Exhaust Yourself

If you do something very strenuous for most of the day, chances are you will have a really good sleep, which is important to get at least once a week.

